Friday, July 15, 2016

His Grace is Sufficient PTL!

I have decided to take a stab at this whole blog thing once again. Mostly for my own personal use to be able to reflect on all our journey! It's funny to look back on the plans we had for ourselves as young college students, so determined with our on aspirations and dreams. Boy, God has a sense of humor! Never in a million years, could you have told me I would have 4 children that I stayed at home with, homeschooling them all and living in Madison with a husband in the military and attending a Presbyterian church! In fact, I remember the worst pre marital fight Matt and I every had was regarding me staying home one day with our future children. I thought he had lost his mind, and the relationship would definitely fizzle out in the very near future!! I mean I had goals to fulfill, dreams to make happen! How selfish of him to expect me to do that! God truly can soften even the hardest of hearts! I am so thankful we serve a sovereign God who's plans for us far exceed anything we can even imagine! I am going to use this post for a brief update on each of us. Matt is now working as a real estate attorney as well as many other things. He is still serving in the JAG corp with the Army National Guard. He will be leaving next week to work with the special forces for a few weeks in Miami (poor guy ;).) I am prepping for our second year of homeschooling, wrangling all the children all day long, knee deep in dishes and laundry, and keeping everyone alive. His grace is sufficient is my motto! Ella Katherine will be starting 3rd grade this year. She will also begin piano lessons and is very excited!! The girl loves cooking, which will definitely be to my advantage in the future. Anne Hartley will begin 2nd grade. She loves Barbies, Polly Pocket, and art work! Toxey will be starting kindergarten which blows my mind. The boy is like a bull in a China shop. He has boundless energy, adores his daddy, loves all things dirty and would play Nintendo all day if I'd let him. Our newest addition, Martha Grace will be nine months this month and is getting busy!!I think she feels blessed that she somehow survived at the end of each day. She is the happiest, friendliest, squishiest baby ever!! Each and everyday is adventure filled with spills, messes, kisses and hugs, learning, lots of sin, lots of sanctification, but so many glimpses of grace in between it all! I am so thankful that this is my journey, these are my blessings, and this is the life never asked for, but so graciously given to me!! May I use each day, each gift to His glory!!